Cutting machine operators carry out a wide range of tasks which are both complex and demanding. At the beginning of the apprenticeship basic knowledge is taught which later geared more toward job-specific skills and milling processes. Since we attach great importance to comprehensive skills and expertise, rational planning comprising efficient, independent and responsible working methods is communicated from the start.

  • General principles and materials science
  • Manual and automatic processing of materials
  • Basics of the CNC control technology
  • Training at the Haidenhein simulation workstation
  • Basic IT knowledge within the shop class
  • Introduction to the milling machines and machining centers we use and their specific technical capabilities.
  • Machining techniques and the best tool to use (milling cutters, drills, screw systems, etc)
  • Training on CAD/CAM workstations
  • Quality assurance, occupational safety and environmental protection
  • Vocational training

In addition, workflow processes of the projects are simulated and the necessary technical requirements obtained. Communication, cooperation, planning and scheduling responsibility, these professional skills are just as important as technical knowledge for the future career.

The workpieces to be manufactured are generally individual parts that are either supplied as pre-processed or pre-cast blanks or rough block material..

A varied and interesting apprenticeship is a prerequisite for the development and motivation of the apprentices. We consider this to be particularly important in order to give each individual a positive mindset and allow them to identify with the chosen profession.

  • A modern and friendly equipped training workshop, led by a full-time instructor.
  • The most current teaching materials and teaching methods, e.g. E-learning
  • In-plant training in the various technical departments
  • Hands-on approach in the machining centers by experienced professionals and master craftsmen
  • Training on CAD/CAM workstations
  • Internal testing in preparation for the intermediate and final exam
  • Quality assurance in the form of optimum tool selection and monitoring the results on the workpiece
  • Vocational training for two days a week at the Carl-Miele-Technical College in Gütersloh
  • Training remuneration according to tariff plus employer's contributions to social security

You should meet the following requirements before you submit your application:

  • Technical understanding
  • Craftsmanship
  • Interest in solving mathematical problems
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Good communication skills
  • General interest in technology

In general, we accept applications starting in July of each year when selecting candidates from secondary school, upper secondary school, comprehensive schools and university preparatory high schools, for apprenticeships beginning in August of the following year. Please make sure that your application is complete and contains your resume, a passport photograph, and the last 2 school reports, in addition to the cover letter.

Following the initial pre-selection, candidates will be invited for an aptitude test. After the test results are evaluated the candidates will be invited for a personal interview and introduced to the company. Thereafter the individual apprenticeships are awarded.

In addition, previous internships at our company by the candidate are of great advantage, if successfully completed.

Hermesmeyer & Greweling GmbH & Co.KG
attention: Mr. Christian Rolf
Von-Liebig-Straße 26-30
33428 Marienfeld

If you have any questions you may contact our instructors directly via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Hermesmeyer & Greweling GmbH & Co. KG
von-Liebig-Straße 26-30
33428 Marienfeld


Telefon: +49 (0) 52 47 - 98 68 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 52 47 - 98 68 50
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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