Sustaining our natural environment is absolutely necessary for the preservation of our basis of life. Therefore protection of the environment is an integral part of our company policy and practiced in the following ways.

We observe the following environmental guidelines during the procurement of goods and services and when we sell our products:

  • consistent compliance with environmental laws and regulations
  • conservative use and decreased use of energy and water as well as materials, auxiliary materials and operating supplies
  • responsible handling of oil ensuring that it does not enter the sewer system or soil
  • avoidance or reduction of waste accumulation by considering this criteria in advance during the development phase of the products and through the recycling metals
  • careful recording and evaluation of the effects of production processes and the effects products of our company have on the environment
  • continuous improvement of the products and production processes with regard to the effect on the environment
  • regular measurement and evaluation of the efforts to protect the environment
  • open exchange of information with employees, business partners, authorities, and the media
  • promotion of environmental awareness during training and continued education
  • regularly monitoring of the environmental policy and adaption of new developments

Suppliers are encouraged to implement an efficient system of environmental management. Contractual partners working on our company premises are bound by contract to comply with our regulation during the performance of their work.


Hermesmeyer & Greweling GmbH & Co. KG
von-Liebig-Straße 26-30
33428 Marienfeld


Telefon: +49 (0) 52 47 - 98 68 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 52 47 - 98 68 50
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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